2022-11-11 来源:华纳网 责任编辑:谷雨老师 人气:
核心提示:大家好,欢迎来到谷雨课堂 本节, 我们JS来实现六自由度的机器臂, 本节我们使用的是Three.JS define( ( require , exports, module ) = { const storeManager = require ( State ) const { scene } = require ( THREEScene ) const robotStore = require (

define((require, exports, module) => {  const storeManager = require('State')  const { scene } = require('THREEScene')  const robotStore = require('Robot')
  const THREESimulationRobot = new THREE.Group()  scene.add(THREESimulationRobot)
  const robotTHREEStore = storeManager.createStore('RobotTHREE', {})
  let VisualRobot  robotStore.listen([state => state.geometry, state => state.jointLimits], (geometry, jointLimits) => {    buildRobot({ geometry, jointLimits }) // after GUI loaded in the stored values  })
  const cacheState = {    jointOutOfBound: [false, false, false, false, false, false],  }  robotStore.listen((state) => {    const angles = Object.values(state.angles)    VisualRobot.setAngles(angles)
    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // do some caching      if (!cacheState.jointOutOfBound[i] && state.jointOutOfBound[i]) { // highlight only on change        VisualRobot.highlightJoint(i, 0xff0000)      } else if (cacheState.jointOutOfBound[i] && !state.jointOutOfBound[i]) {        VisualRobot.highlightJoint(i)      }    }
    cacheState.jointOutOfBound = state.jointOutOfBound  })
  function buildRobot(state) {    if (state.geometry.V3.y !== 0 || state.geometry.V3.z !== 0 || state.geometry.V4.y !== 0 || state.geometry.V4.z !== 0) {      alert('geometry where V3 y,z not 0 and V4 x,z not 0 are not supported, yet')      state.geometry.V3.y =         state.geometry.V3.z =            state.geometry.V4.y =               state.geometry.V4.x = 0    }
    while (THREESimulationRobot.children.length) {      THREESimulationRobot.remove(THREESimulationRobot.children[0])    }    // object to nested arrays    const geometry = Object.values(state.geometry).map((val, i, array) => [val.x, val.y, val.z])    const jointLimits = Object.values(state.jointLimits)
    VisualRobot = new THREERobot(geometry, jointLimits, THREESimulationRobot)  }

  module.exports = robotStore})
const THREERobot = function (V_initial, limits, scene) {  this.THREE = new THREE.Group()
  this.robotBones = []  this.joints = []
  const scope = this
  let parentObject = this.THREE  // parentObject.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2
  // let colors = [  //     0x05668D,  //     0x028090,  //     0x00A896,  //     0x02C39A,  //     0xF0F3BD,  //     0x0  // ]  const colors = [    0xaaaaaa,    0xbbbbbb,    0xbcbcbc,    0xcbcbcb,    0xcccccc,    0x0,  ]
  function createCube(x, y, z, w, h, d, min, max, jointNumber) {    const thicken = 1
    const w_thickened = Math.abs(w) + thicken    const h_thickened = Math.abs(h) + thicken    const d_thickened = Math.abs(d) + thicken
    const material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({      color: colors[jointNumber],    })    const geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(w_thickened, h_thickened, d_thickened)    const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material)
    mesh.position.set(w / 2, h / 2, d / 2)    const group = new THREE.Object3D()    group.position.set(x, y, z)    group.add(mesh)
    console.log(min, max)    // min = min / 180 * Math.PI    // max = max / 180 * Math.PI
    const jointGeo1 = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(0.8, 0.8, 0.8 * 2, 32, 32, false, -min, 2 * Math.PI - max + min)    const jointGeoMax = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(0.8, 0.8, 0.8 * 2, 32, 32, false, -max, max)    const jointGeoMin = new THREE.CylinderGeometry(0.8, 0.8, 0.8 * 2, 32, 32, false, 0, -min)    const jointMesh1 = new THREE.Mesh(jointGeo1, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({      color: 0xffbb00,    }))    const jointMeshMax = new THREE.Mesh(jointGeoMax, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({      color: 0x009900,    }))    const jointMeshMin = new THREE.Mesh(jointGeoMin, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({      color: 0xdd2200,    }))
    const joint = new THREE.Group()    // joint.add(jointMesh1, jointMesh2)    joint.add(jointMeshMax, jointMeshMin, jointMesh1)
    switch (jointNumber) {      case 0:        joint.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2        break      case 1:        // joint.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2        break      case 2:        // joint.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2        break      case 3:        joint.rotation.z = Math.PI / 2        // joint.rotation.y = Math.PI        break      case 4:        // joint.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2        joint.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2        break      case 5:        joint.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2        group.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2        // group.rotation.z = Math.PI        // group.rotation.z = -Math.PI / 2        // group.rotation.y += Math.PI        // joint.rotation.z = +Math.PI / 2        // const axisHelper = new THREE.AxisHelper(3)        // axisHelper.rotation.x = Math.PI        // group.add(axisHelper)        const arrowZ = new THREE.ArrowHelper(new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 1), new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), 3, 0x0000ff)        arrowZ.line.material.linewidth = 4        group.add(arrowZ)        const arrowY = new THREE.ArrowHelper(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), 3, 0x00ff00)        arrowY.line.material.linewidth = 4        group.add(arrowY)        const arrowX = new THREE.ArrowHelper(new THREE.Vector3(1, 0, 0), new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), 3, 0xff0000)        arrowX.line.material.linewidth = 4        group.add(arrowX)        // joint.add(getVectorArrow([0,0,0],[0,0,5]))        break    }
    group.add(joint)    return group  }
  let x = 0,    y = 0,    z = 0  V_initial.push([0, 0, 0]) // add a 6th pseudo link for 6 axis  for (let i = 0; i < V_initial.length; i++) {    const link = V_initial[i]
    const linkGeo = createCube(x, y, z, link[0], link[1], link[2], limits[i][0], limits[i][1], i)    x = link[0]    y = link[1]    z = link[2]    console.log(link[0], link[1], link[2])    parentObject.add(linkGeo)    parentObject = linkGeo    this.robotBones.push(linkGeo)  }
  this.angles = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]}
THREERobot.prototype = {  setAngles(angles) {    this.angles = angles    this.robotBones[0].rotation.z = angles[0]    this.robotBones[1].rotation.y = angles[1]    this.robotBones[2].rotation.y = angles[2]    this.robotBones[3].rotation.x = angles[3]    this.robotBones[4].rotation.y = angles[4]    this.robotBones[5].rotation.z = angles[5]  },
  setAngle(index, angle) {    this.angles[index] = angle    this.setAngles(this.angles)  },
  highlightJoint(jointIndex, hexColor) {    if (jointIndex >= this.joints.length) {      console.warn(`cannot highlight joint: ${jointIndex} (out of index: ${this.joints.length})`)    }    if (hexColor) {      this._colorObjectAndChildren(this.joints[jointIndex], hexColor)    } else {      this._resetObjectAndChildrenColor(this.joints[jointIndex])    }  },
  _colorObjectAndChildren(object, hexColor) {    const scope = this    object.traverse((node) => {      scope._colorObject(node, hexColor)    })  },
  _colorObject(object, hexColor) {    if (object.material) {      if (!object.initalMaterial) {        object.initalMaterial = object.material      }      object.material = object.material.clone()      object.material.color.setHex(hexColor)    }  },
  _resetObjectAndChildrenColor(object, hexColor) {    const scope = this    object.traverse((node) => {      scope._resetObjectColor(node)    })  },
  _resetObjectColor(object) {    if (object.initalMaterial) {      object.material = object.initalMaterial    }  },


